ROSbot 3
ROSbot 3 / ROSbot 3 PRO is an indoor mobile robot platform, purpose-built for research and education. Powered by a Raspberry Pi 5 and constructed with a durable 1.5mm alloy chassis, it offers robust performance and reliability. The ROSbot 3 features a SLAMTEC C1 LIDAR and Luxonis OAK-D Lite camera, while the ROSbot 3 PRO is equipped with an enhanced SLAMTEC S2 LIDAR and OAK-D Pro camera for superior perception and SLAM capabilities.
The open-source ROS 2 drivers are pre-installed and configured, enabling out-of-the-box operation without additional setup. Users can start interacting with the ROSbot through a web-based interface or a gamepad—no coding required—making it an ideal platform for beginners and experts alike. With four DC motors, each equipped with independent quadrature encoders, ROSbot 3 provides precise motion control for navigating complex indoor environments, accelerating your research and development in robotics.
It integrates:
CPU: Raspberry Pi 5 (8GB RAM, VideoCore VII GPU)
- Storage: 64GB microSD card
- IMU: BNO055 (accelerometer + gyro)
- Distance sensor: VL53L0X (time-of-flight)
- Networking: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz 802.11b/g/n/ac wireless LAN
- 4-wheel mobile platform with DC motors
- Li-on batteries: 3 x 3500 mAh (with protection circuits)
- Rear panel providing interfaces for additional modules
- Robust aluminium chassis
In ROSbot 3
- RGBD Camera: Luxonis OAK-D Lite
In ROSbot 3 PRO
- RGBD Camera: Luxonis OAK-D Pro
Set contains:
- ROSbot 3/3 PRO
- Dedicated charger
- USB Ethernet Adapter
- Aluminium Case
To request a quote for this robot, contact us at sales@husarion.com.